
Reunion Details
Reunion Details

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Email Us!

Want to be in on the band for the reunion? Let us know! We are hoping that we can put together a band of former students. This will also give us a chance to visit some more as well as enjoy the music that bonds us together.

The rehearsal would be Saturday morning or early afternoon, and the performance Sunday afternoon.

We are hoping to use Lynbrook, and are negotiating with the current band instructor.

If you have interest, please give us your name, instrument, and level you feel comfortable playing (Some of you play professionaly, others will be dusting off instruments).

Also, there maybe a small fee to play :(
It seems that there is no money in our budget for this. We'll need to make copies and mail music, and perhaps pay for some personnel where we play. I expect that it would be something like $5-10.

So email us at lhsbandreunion@yahoo.com and we'll keep you informed.